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Time, Place and Manner

The University’s Addendum to the CSU Systemwide Time, Place and Manner Policy is set forth below. The University's Addendum and the Systemwide TPM Policy currently apply to students, non-represented employees, and all other persons and groups who access and use University Property, including Non-Affiliates. President’s Directive #5, as well as President’s Directives #2 and #4, continues to apply to union-represented employees until the unions have completed bargaining. The CSU Systemwide Time, Place and Manner Policy and the Campus Addendum will apply to all employees following the conclusion of bargaining.

I. University Designee with Oversight and Enforcement Responsibility

The Vice President of Student Affairs, David Forgues, Ph.D., is the University administrative Employee designated to serve as the Designated University Official for California State University, Fullerton with responsibility for oversight, implementation, and enforcement of the Systemwide Time, Place, and Manner Policy and this Addendum, including oversight of a training program for responsible staff and the broader University community (including students and employees).

Designated University Law Enforcement Liaison

The Dean of Students, Vincent Vigil, Ed.D., is the University administrative Employee designated to serve as the Designated Law Enforcement Liaison between University law enforcement and students exercising rights guaranteed by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution or Section 2 of Article I of the California Constitution, or both.

University Response Team

The response team for matters related to implementation and enforcement include:

University Response Team
Position Name Title & Division Contact Information Policy Role
Vice President for Student Affairs David Forgues Student Affairs Designated University Official
Vice President for Administration and Finance Alexander Porter Administration and Finance Policy administration and campus security oversight
Associate Vice President for Strategic Communications Mike Mahi University Advancement Official University response and communication
Chief of University Police Anthony Frisbee Administration and Finance Campus safety, security, and emergency response
Vice President for Human Resources, Diversity and Inclusion Phenicia McCullough Human Resources,Diversity and Inclusion Policy administration and conduct oversight for employees
Dean of Students Vincent Vigil Student Affairs Policy administration and conduct oversight for students; Designated Law Enforcement Liaison
Associate Vice President for Academic Programs Eileen Walsh Academic Affairs Policy training and support for faculty

II. California State University, Fullerton Operating Hours

No one shall enter or otherwise remain on University Property between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. or at such other times as published or posted by University housing and residential programs and other similarly specialized University programs. This prohibition shall not apply to persons possessing valid written authorization from a University official, persons on legitimate University related business, or persons attending a specific University sponsored event. Those persons with legitimate University business reasons, valid written authorization, or attending a University sponsored event, shall be allowed to remain and access University Property as allowed in their authorization or through the duration of the specific event, after which time they shall leave University Property without any appreciable delay. This prohibition shall not apply to persons transiting on a roadway or path designated as open to the public.

III. Campus Time, Place and Manner Regulations

Access to and use of designated University Property must be scheduled and/or registered in advance, as noted in the list of University Property set forth below. Certain uses of University Property may be subject to fees, require liability insurance, and/or an indemnity agreement which must be provided by those who seek to engage in such uses. All users assume responsibility for all damage they cause to University Property. Failure to pay for damage to University Property may jeopardize future access to and/or use of University Property and can result in discipline for students and employees who are responsible for the damage, as well as civil or criminal action.

For purposes of this Addendum the following terms shall apply, as set forth in the Policy:

  1. Public Areas

    A Public Area is University Property that is available for public assembly, marches, demonstrations, protests and debate. Right of access and equality of access are provided in these areas, so long as activities are lawful and do not disrupt University operations. Content-based restrictions are prohibited, but reasonable time, place and manner regulations will be applied. Spontaneous activities may take place in Public Areas without pre-scheduling or reservations. All areas on campus are subject to being unavailable during times of an emergency.

  2. Limited Areas

    A Limited Area is University Property available to the public but due to business operations, safety concerns, or other important University interests, it is not open for assembling, marching, demonstrating or protesting. Activities in these areas may require scheduling and reservations with the University, and are available on a limited basis, subject to campus regulations that are narrowly tailored to address the University's legitimate business interests.

    Access to and use of certain designated University Property must be scheduled and registered in advance, as noted in the list of University Property set forth below. Certain uses of University Property may be subject to fees, require liability insurance, and/or an indemnity agreement which must be provided by those who seek to engage in such uses. All users assume responsibility for all damage they cause to University Property. Failure to pay for damage to University Property may jeopardize future access to and/or use of University Property and can result in discipline for Students and Employees who are responsible for the damage, as well as civil or criminal action.

  3. Non-Public Areas

    Except for areas designated as Public Areas and Limited Areas, all remaining University Property, including the interiors of all buildings and facilities are Non-Public Areas. These areas are not open to the public and the University can restrict access to Non-Public Areas on a Content and Viewpoint Neutral basis.

If there is a University location not listed below, please contact the Designated University Official responsible for implementing this Addendum.

List of University Properties
# Place Day and Time Available Permitted Manner of Use Type
  • Titan Walk
  • Titan Walk Lawn
  • College of Business & Economics Courtyard
  • Planet Walk
  • EC (Education Classroom) 2nd Floor Patio
  • GH (Gordon Hall) Patio - 3rd Floor
  • ECS (Engineering and Computer Science) Lawn
6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. daily, except when the campus is closed per the University’s academic calendar Non-amplified speech and expression, including solicitation of signatures on noncommercial petitions Public
  • Central Quad
  • Humanities & Social Sciences Quad
  • Tuffy Lawn
6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. daily, except when the campus is closed per the University’s academic calendar Amplified speech (12pm- 1pm or with approved Sound Exception) and expression, including solicitation of signatures on noncommercial petitions Public
  • Titan Student Union
  • Titan Student Union Patios
  • Student Recreation Center
  • Housing Spaces
  • Club 57
  • Athletics Facilities
  • Titan Gym
  • Intramural Fields
  • Arboretum
  • East Playfield
  • All Business Offices
  • Becker Amphitheater
  • Pollak Library
Reservations are required and may be made on TitanLink Workshops, conferences, meetings, and trainings Limited
  • Children’s Center
  • Ruby Gerontology Center
  • El Dorado Ranch
  • Grand Central Art Center
  • CSUF Fire Lanes
  • ADA Path of Travel
  • All Classrooms
  • All offices
  • Electronic signs and lighting posts
  • All other indoor/outdoor spaces not mentioned
N/A N/A Non-public

IV. Scheduling and Registration Procedures

Employees, Student and/or Registered Student Organizations Information:

Off-Campus Guest Information:

V. Activities and Uses on University Property Requiring Written Permission

The activities and uses addressed in the administrative guidelines posted below are prohibited unless prior written permission from the appropriate University official is obtained or as otherwise provided in this Addendum.

  1. Posters, Signs, Banners and Chalking

    The related administrative guidelines can be found here:

  2. Drones (Unmanned Aircraft Systems)

    The related administrative guidelines can be found here:

  3. Solicitation, Commercial Solicitation, Commercial Transactions and Sale or Display of Published Materials

    The related administrative guidelines can be found here:

  4. Handbills and Circulars

    The related administrative guidelines can be found here:

  5. Amplified Sound

    The related administrative guidelines can be found here:

  6. University Flagpoles are reserved for official University use only. Flags flown on outdoor, permanently installed flagpoles located on University Property serve as a means of expression of the University’s official sentiments as determined by the University President or the Chancellor, as applicable. They are not a forum for free expression or expressive conduct by members of the University community or the public.

VI. Educational Programs and Activities to Support the Balance Between Free Speech Activities, Educational Mission, and Safety

  1. Student Support:
    1. Student Life and Leadership:
    2. CSUF Free Speech:
    3. Resolution Education Services
      1. Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Programs: DHR
      2. Conflict coaching, mediation, restorative justice programs, and community-building circle
  2. Employee Support:
    1. Workplace Violence Prevention
    2. CSUF Free Speech:
    3. Resolution Education Services
      1. Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Programs: DHR
      2. Conflict coaching, mediation, restorative justice programs, and community-building

VII. Resources for Mental Health and Trauma Support for Employees and Students

The following resources may be applicable if you need additional support or assistance:

  1. Confidential Resources
    1. Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) (Students)
      Contact Phone Number: (657) 278-3040
    2. TitanTHRIVE Confidential Advocacy Services (Students or Employees – including ASI and ASC)
    3. Employee Assistance Program (CSUF Employees, including Student Employees)
      Contact Phone Number: (800) 367-7474
    4. The Standard Employee Assistance Program (ASC Employees)
      Contact Phone Number: (888) 293-6948
    5. REACH Employee Assistance (ASC Employees)
      Contact Phone Number: (800) 273-5273
    6. Ability Assistant Counseling Services (ASI Employees)
      Contact Phone Number: (800) 964-3577
  2. NON-CONFIDENTIAL RESOURCES – Must comply with the law and University policy that require notifying Title IX and a Campus Security Authority of all known details.
    1. Title IX and Gender Equity (Students or CSUF Employees) OR
      Contact Phone Number: (657) 278-2121
    2. CSUF Police Department for crime reporting and Campus Safety Escort service
      Contact Phone Number: (657) 278-2515
    3. Dean of Students (Students) OR
      Contact Phone Number: (657) 278-3211
    4. Total Wellness (CSUF Employees) OR

Helpful Resources

800 N. State College Blvd.
Fullerton, CA 92831-3599


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